Autos and Vehicles

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
4 Views · 12 days ago

Merry Christmas from your friends at CoCoMelon! Have fun singing along and making gingerbread houses with us!
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Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa la la la la la la la la
‘Tis the season to be jolly
Fa la la la la la la la la
Don we now our gay apparel
Fa la la la la la la la la
Troll the ancient yuletide carol
Fa la la la la la la la la

See the blazing Yule before us
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Strike the harp and join the chorus
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Follow me in merry measure
Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
While I tell of Yule-tide treasure
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

Fast away the old year passes
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Hail the new year, lads and lasses
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Sing we joyous, all together
Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
Heedless of the wind and weather
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

About Cocomelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.

Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.

We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!


Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
1 Views · 12 days ago

Adventure awaits!
Follow grasshopper and the ants as they sail off to find the mysterious candy cove!
Subscribe for new videos every week:

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream!
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream!

Row, row, row your boat
Treasure’s down the stream!
Up, down, up, down
Let’s all row and sing!

Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoCoMelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D

About Cocomelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

At Cocomelon, we are dedicated to creating quality, educational videos that can help kids learn all about letters, numbers, shapes, colors, animals, and so much more!

Your kids will love our friendly characters and colorful animated videos while learning both classic nursery rhymes and original songs.


Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
0 Views · 12 days ago

How can you drop an egg and not have it break? Sing along and find out!


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again

About Cocomelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.

Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.

We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!


Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
3 Views · 12 days ago

Sing and play along with Bingo the dog in this classic nursery rhyme!


There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name-o!
- I-N-G-O, - I-N-G-O, - I-N-G-O
And Bingo was his name-o!

There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name-o!
- - N-G-O, - - N-G-O, - - N-G-O
And Bingo was his name-o!

There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name-o!
- - - G-O, - - - G-O, - - - G-O
And Bingo was his name-o!

There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name-o!
- - - - O, - - - - O, - - - - O
And Bingo was his name-o!

There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name-o!
- - - - -, - - - - -, - - - - -
And Bingo was his name-o!

There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name-o!
B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O
And Bingo was his name-o!

About Cocomelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.

Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.

We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!


Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
0 Views · 12 days ago

JJ, TomTom, Cody, and YoYo secretly gather supplies for a surprise picnic in the Treehouse! Sing along to the Treehouse Picnic song for kids!
Subscribe for new videos every week!

Working together side-by-side
Working together side-by-side
When we all work together
Everything is so much better
Working together we have a good time!

Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da do da day!”
Woo hoo!
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da do da day!”
Woo hoo!
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da”
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da”
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da do da day!”
Woo hoo!

Working together we all take turns
Working together we all take turns
When we all work together
Everything is so much better
Working together we all learn!

Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da do da day!”
Woo hoo!
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da do da day!”
Woo hoo!
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da”
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da”
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da do da day!”
Woo hoo!

Working together we will finish fast
Working together we will finish fast
When we all work together
Everything is so much better
Working together we have a blast!

Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da do da day!”
Woo hoo!
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da do da day!”
Woo hoo!
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da”
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da”
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da do da day!”
Woo hoo!

Working together we’ll get the job done (Yes we will!)
Working together we’ll get the job done
When we all work together
Everything is so much better
Working together is so much fun!

Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da do da day!”
Woo hoo!
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da do da day!”
Woo hoo!
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da”
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da”
Singing, “Do da dee dee dah… da dee da do da day!”
Woo hoo!

Music available on all major streaming platforms now:

Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D

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About CoComelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.


Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
0 Views · 12 days ago

What happens when a little star falls out of the sky? We have to find a way to help him get home!


Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star!
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star!
How I wonder what you are

About Cocomelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.

Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.

We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!


Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
3 Views · 12 days ago

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Let’s sing along and see what delicious foods we can eat in the morning!
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Everybody wake up in the morning
Everybody’s hungry I know
Everybody wake up in the morning
It’s breakfast time, let’s go!

Breakfast is a-cooking in the kitchen
Something yummy I know
Breakfast is a-cooking in the kitchen
Cooking on the stove!

Pancakes, bacon and ham
Buttered toast and berry jam
Pancakes, bacon and ham
Buttered toast, berry jam

Eggs fried sunny-side up
Hard-boiled in a little tea cup!
Eggs fried sunny-side up
Hard-boiled in a cup.

Waffles baked with buttermilk
Yogurt soft and smooth as silk!
Waffles baked with buttermilk
Yogurt smooth as silk!

Sausage patties, muffins baked
Yummy fruit salad, coffee cake
Sausage patties, muffins baked
Yummy fruit, coffee cake!

About Cocomelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.

Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.

We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!


Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
4 Views · 12 days ago

Say excuse me, JJ! Cece is so ready to have all of her friends and her brand new kitten over to her bedroom to have an extra special tea party! Do you know how to sip your tea like a fancy ballerina princess? Cece has spent her whole life hosting tea parties in her room but not today! #princess #cocomelon #cocomelonshorts
This is the way we set the table
Set the table, Set the table
This is the way we set the table
At our tea party.
This is the way we greet our guests
Greet our guests , Greet our guests
This is the way we greet our guests
At our tea party
This is the way we take a seat
Take a seat, take a seat
This is the way we take a seat
At our tea party.
This is the way we pour the tea
Pour the tea, pour the tea
This is the way we pour the tea
At our tea party
This is the way we raise our cups
Pinkies up, Pinkies up
This is the way we Raise our cups
At our tea party
This is the way we sip our tea
Sip our tea, Sip our tea
This is the way we sip our tea
At our tea party.

Subscribe for new videos every week!

Music available on all major streaming platforms now:
🍉 Sign up for the CoCoClub newsletter to access exclusive content, giveaways, and more!

Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D

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TikTok ►

About CoComelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.


Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
1 Views · 12 days ago

We’re having fun in the kitchen making a cake! Let’s all sing and clap together!
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Pat­-a-­cake, pat-­a-­cake, baker's man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Pat it and roll it and mark it with a "B"
And put it in the oven for baby and me

Pat-­a-­cake, pat­-a­-cake, baker's man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Mix it and stir it and bake it just right
Good from the first 'til the very last bite

Pat-­a-­cake, pat­-a-­cake baker's man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Make it with chocolate, and make it with cream
Make it the prettiest you've ever seen

About Cocomelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.

Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.

We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!


Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
1 Views · 12 days ago

Oh no looks like Cody is sick, sing along and help mum and dad make Cody feel better with the CoComelon Sick Song! Brand new CoComelon nursery rhyme and kids songs every week!

My little baby, not feeling well?
You have a fever, Daddy can tell
Rest little baby, I’ll care for you
You’ll get well soon, I’ll make sure you do

My little baby, not feeling well?
I hear you coughing, Mommy can tell
Rest little baby, I’ll care for you
You’ll get well soon, I’ll make sure you do

My little baby, not feeling well?
Your nose is running, Mommy can tell
Rest little baby, I’ll care for you
You’ll get well soon, I’ll make sure you do

My little baby, not feeling well?
You had a cold, oh Mommy can tell
Rest little baby, we’ll care for you
You’re feeling better, we’ll care for you


🍉Apple Music:…/coco....melon-kids-hits-vo…/

Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D

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About CoComelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.


Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
1 Views · 12 days ago

When JJ discovers an empty cookie jar, he and Bingo must find out who took the tasty treats.#Cocomelon #Nurseryrhymes

Subscribe for new videos every week!


Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
Bingo took the cookie from the cookie jar!
Who, me?
Yes, you!
Couldn’t be! Then who?

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
YoYo took the cookie from the cookie jar!
Who, me?
Yes, you!
Couldn’t be! Then who?

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
TomTom took the cookie from the cookie jar!
Who, me?
Yes, you!
Couldn’t be! Then who?

Who took the cookie?
Who took the cookie?
Who took the cookie?
Who took the cookie?

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
Grandpa took the cookie from the cookie jar!
Who, me?
Yes, you!
Could it be?
It’s true!!

Music available on all major streaming platforms now:
🍉 Sign up for the CoCoClub newsletter to access exclusive content, giveaways, and more!

Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D

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Instagram ►
TikTok ►

About CoComelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.

Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
1 Views · 12 days ago

It’s summer! Let’s go to the beach! It’s time for some fun under the sun!
Subscribe for new videos every week:

Watch our playlists:
Kids Songs by CoCoMelon
Nursery Rhymes in 3D


Come on let’s go
Today is hot, so,
We’ll have some fun out in the sun
The sand and sea’s the place to be

Let’s build, build, build a castle
Build, build, build a castle
Let’s build, build, build a castle
We’re playing at the beach

Let’s splash, splash, splash in the waves
Splash, splash, splash in the waves
Let’s splash, splash, splash in the waves
We’re playing at the beach

Let’s bounce, bounce, bounce a beach ball
Bounce, bounce, bounce a beach ball
Let’s bounce, bounce, bounce a beach ball
We’re playing at the beach

Let’s fly, fly, fly a kite
Fly, fly, fly a kite
Let’s fly, fly, fly a kite
We’re playing at the beach

About Cocomelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.

Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.

We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!


Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
4 Views · 12 days ago

Princess Cece loves pink, ballet and her kitten! Cece has decided today is a day for a big show! Gather round and sing along! #cocomelon #princess #cats

Subscribe for new videos every week!

Twirling around in my princess crown,
These are the things I love!
Twirling around, let's curtsey now,
These are the things I love!
Cece’s World,
Let’s dance and play!
Cece’s World,
A fabulous day!
In Cece’s World,
Jump and twirl!
Welcome to Cece’s World!
Sipping my tea, so happily
These are the things I love
Sipping my tea, just you and me
These are the things I love!
Cece’s World,
Let’s dance and play!
Cece’s World,
A fabulous day!
In Cece’s World,
Jump and twirl!
Welcome to Cece’s World!
Glitter and bows, striking a pose
These are the things I love
Glitter and bows, dance on my toes
These are the things I love!
Cece’s World,
Let’s dance and play!
Cece’s World,
A fabulous day!
In Cece’s World,
Jump and twirl!
Welcome to Cece’s World!
Lulu and me, cute as can be
These are the things I love
Lulu and me, we make a good team
These are the things I love!
Cece’s World,
Let’s dance and play!
Cece’s World,
A fabulous day!
In Cece’s World,
Jump and twirl!
Welcome to Cece’s World

Music available on all major streaming platforms now:
🍉 Sign up for the CoCoClub newsletter to access exclusive content, giveaways, and more!

Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D

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TikTok ►

About CoComelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.


Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
4 Views · 12 days ago

Its playtime with Grandpa! JJ, TomTom and YoYo learn about trains for kids! What can you see on the train? Sing along and learn with CoComelon to the 'Train Song'
Subscribe for new videos every week:

I’m on a train!
I’m listening
To all the sounds
The engine makes!
And ‘neath the train
There are some tracks!
The train goes Clicka Clacka!
I’m on a train!

I’m on a train!
I’m listening
To all the sounds
The engine makes!
And on this train
There are some wheels!
The train goes Clicka Clacka! Chugga Chugga
I’m on a train!

I’m on a train!
I’m listening
To all the sounds
The engine makes!
And on this train
There is a whistle!
The train goes Clicka Clacka! Chugga Chugga, Choo! Choo!
I’m on a train!

I’m on a train!
I’m listening
To all the sounds
The engine makes!
And on this train
There’s a conductor!
The train goes Clicka Clacka! Chugga Chugga, Choo! Choo! “All aboard!”
I’m on a train!

I’m on a train!
I’m listening
To all the sounds
The engine makes!
And on this train
We say goodbye!
The train goes Clicka Clacka! Chugga Chugga, Choo Choo! “All aboard!” “Bye-bye!”
I’m on a train!


🍉Apple Music:…/coco....melon-kids-hits-vo…/

Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D

About CoComelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.


Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
1 Views · 12 days ago

It’s winter time, the air is cold, and there’s snow all over the ground! It’s time to go outside and play!
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Come on, let’s go!
There’s brand new snow!
It’s on the ground!
It’s all around!
It’s in the air!
It’s everywhere!

Let’s build, build, build a Snowman!
Build, build, build a Snowman!
Let’s build, build, build a Snowman!
We’re playing in the snow!

Let’s slide, slide, slide down the hill!
Slide, slide, slide down the hill!
Let’s slide, slide, slide down the hill!
We’re playing in the snow!

Let’s throw, throw, throw some snowballs!
Throw, throw, throw some snowballs!
Let’s throw, throw, throw some snowballs!
We’re playing in the snow!

Let’s skate, skate, skate on the pond!
Skate, skate, skate, skate on the pond!
Let’s skate, skate, skate on the pond!
We’re playing in the snow!

About Cocomelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.

Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.

We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!


Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
1 Views · 12 days ago

Do you know your ABCs?
Join JJ and his family to a balloon filled day as they learn the alphabet.
Subscribe for new videos every week:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P
Q, R, S, T, U, V,
W, X, Y, and Z

Now I know my ABCs,
Next time won’t you sing with me!

Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoCoMelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D

About Cocomelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

At Cocomelon, we are dedicated to creating quality, educational videos that can help kids learn all about letters, numbers, shapes, colors, animals, and so much more!

Your kids will love our friendly characters and colorful animated videos while learning both classic nursery rhymes and original songs.


Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
1 Views · 12 days ago

Sing along with this classic nursery rhyme about Mary and her very favorite lamb!


Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went
Mary went, Mary went
Everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go

He followed her to school one day
School one day, school one day
He followed her to school one day
Which was against the rules

It made the children laugh and play
Laugh and play, laugh and play
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school

So the teacher turned him out
Turned him out, turned him out
So the teacher turned him out
But still he lingered near

And he waited patiently
Patiently, patiently
And he waited patiently
‘Till Mary did appear

Why does the lamb love Mary so?
Love Mary so, love Mary so?
Why does the lamb love Mary so?
The eager children cried

Why, Mary loves the lamb you know
Lamb you know, lamb you know
Why, Mary loves the lamb you know
The teacher did reply

About Cocomelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.

Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.

We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!


Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
1 Views · 12 days ago

It's lunch time! Join JJ and his animal friends as they sample all of their favorite yummy foods for lunch!
Subscribe for new videos every week!

Music available on all major streaming platforms now:

Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D

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About CoComelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.


Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
1 Views · 12 days ago

It's time to have some winter fun with Cece's extra special Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy from The Nutcracker! Let's learn to HOW TO ICE SKATE with #cocomelon! Set to the tune of Cece learns a valuable lesson about perseverance when her mother takes her out ice skating! #cocomelon #christmas #cocomelonchristmas #nutcracker

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I can do it!
Watch me
Try again
Try again
Try again
Skating on the ice
Try again
Try again
Try again
You can get it right!
Can I do it?
Watch me
Try again
Try again
Try again
Skating on the ice
I can do it
Can I do it?
I’ll get through it -
Let’s go!
I can do it!
Watch me try again
Try again
Try again
Skating on the ice
Try again
Try again
Try again
You can get it right!
Can I do it?
Watch me try again
Try again
Try again
Skating on the ice
I can do it
Can I do it?
Yes! I knew it!
Let’s go!
I can do it now!
Watch me twirl around!
I can do it now!
Yes! I did it, wow!
I can do it now!
I’m so very proud!
We love to skate around
Yes, I did it, wow!

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Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D

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About CoComelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.


Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes
0 Views · 12 days ago

Join JJ, TomTom and YoYo in all the pretend play family fun! Sing along to CoComelon's Miss Polly Had A Dolly nursery rhyme for kids!
Subscribe for new videos every week!

Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick.
So she called for the doc-tor to be quick, quick, quick.
The doctor ca-me with his bag and his hat.
And he kno-cked on the do-or with a rat-a-tat-tat.

He looked at the dolly and he shook his head.
He said "Miss Pol-ly, put him straight to bed".
If you want to make him feel his best, best, best.
This dolly needs to go- get some rest, rest, rest.

Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick.
So she called for the doctor to be quick, quick, quick.
The doc-tor ca-me with his bag and his hat.
And he knoc-ked on the door with a rat-a-tat-tat.

He looked at the dolly and he shook his head
He said "Miss Pol-ly, put him straight to bed"
If you want to make him feel his best, best, best
This dolly needs to go- get some rest, rest, rest.

Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick.
So she called for the doctor to be quick, quick, quick.
The doctor came with his bag and his hat.
And he knocked on the door with a rat-a-tat-tat.

He looked at the dolly and he shook his head.
He said "Miss Polly, put him straight to bed".
The dolly went to bed, and he slept all night,
And wo-ke in the morning, feeling quite alright!


🍉Apple Music:…/coco....melon-kids-hits-vo…/

Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D

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About CoComelon:

Where kids can be happy and smart!

CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.


Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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