Nonprofits and Activism

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You want to create advocacy for your cause? You have limited resources? Why not start a not-for-profit? Hear from a group of longboarders who did just that and learn the how's and why's.

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Recorded during TechSoup's Future of Work conference, October 26, 2022.

Next is a topic that’s been on everyone’s minds throughout the year. Nonprofits in Ukraine are acting as first responders in the war and are under tremendous stress. But usually the last thing nonprofits worry about is taking care of themselves. That’s why TechSoup Europe is building a program that provides quick answers to the challenges of staying resilient. Anna Kuliberda, Senior Advisor for TechSoup Europe shares more in the next demo.

PRESENTER: Anna Kuliberda
Independent coach and consultant, with a "Humans not robots" perspective. I support activists' initiatives and non-profit organizations in management, innovation, and change. In addition to being the founder of The Radical Act of Self-Care, I specialize in program curation for events with meaning in order to combat activists' burnout. I have been working with TechSoup Europe for 10 years supporting organizations in Central and Eastern Europe.
More about me at

When non-profit organizations are suddenly confronted with a war situation, they face a multitude of challenges. Usually, the last thing on the list is supporting yourself, especially if it wasn't a practice in the pre-crisis era. That is why TechSoup Europe is building a program that provides quick answers to real-life challenges of staying resilient for Ukrainian organizations.

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Continuing to be heard! Small non-profits have a voice too!

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3G Video Portal

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It’s hard to say exactly how many deep-pocket donors there are like NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, but he’s as good as they come, according to several New York nonprofits that got a slice of his million-dollar pledge.

The player-turned activist ignited a national debate about the intersection of sports and activism after he began sitting – and later kneeling – during pre-game renditions of the national anthem. Some critics said he was just out to promote himself through such high-profile actions.

But Kaepernick has put his activism into action across the country through a pledge to donate $1 million to social justice initiatives big and small. The donations came out of nowhere, nonprofit leaders said – just an email from a Kaepernick associate stating that he wishes to give without that many strings attached, part of his low-key approach to giving.

Kaepernick could not be reached for comment.

The leader of at least one recipient – Coalition for the Homeless – was skeptical at first that it was really Kaepernick until the money transfer arrived in his organization’s coffers. A rough-and-tumble childhood also meant that Kaepernick had a first-hand exposure to many of the issues facing the clients of the nonprofit, which received $25,000 from him last fall.

"He knows the struggles that a lot of the people that we help here at the coalition have been through," Coalition for the Homeless Executive Director Dave Giffen said in a telephone interview. “We often deal with issues that Colin was bringing light to in his campaign.”

Other New York groups that received money include Justice League, Communities United for Police Reform and 100 Suits for 100 Men, which helps keep people out of prison by providing free suits outside courthouses so that criminal defendants can give judges and juries a snazzy first impression.

The final $100,000 installment of the two-year effort did not earmark funds for any New York-based groups, but the “Colin Kaepernick effect” lives on long after funds arrive in a nonprofit’s bank account.

The publicity inspired more than a dozen donations in his honor the week after he donated $33,000 to the Lower East Side Girls Club last year. That money will allow more girls to take part in an initiative promoting community development and civic engagement, and continues to pay dividend past the end-of-year fundraising season, Valerie Polanco, a spokesperson for the organization, said in an email.

He’s a force multiplier when it comes to raising money, according to Polanco.

“People have been donating in his honor as recently as two weeks ago,” she said. “It's the gift that keeps on giving!”

Article link:

0 Views · 6 days ago

'We are the saviours of the world, we should be the difference'

We have started this youth organisation with the motive of
Bringing awareness among the uneducated and bringing
About change with this awareness.


0 Views · 6 days ago

On Episode 9 of the Visionaries Only Podcast, we sit down with Activist, Poet, Athlete, Program Director at PeacePlayers Brooklyn, Alesha Smith.

This was a very candid and honest conversation around non-profit and activism, particularly the areas we’d love to see improvement. We go into what drives people’s inaction and how Alesha inspires change from within the community, most notably, she tells the story of how she helped get a street named after a women who lost her life to gun violence. We also touch on her story of returning to full contact sports after back surgery that could’ve left her paralyzed. This is the story of a woman balancing Sports, Activism and Spirituality while keeping her authentic southern roots at the forefront.

Follow Alesha:

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0 Views · 6 days ago

If you are interested in starting a non-profit or being an activist this is a must see. There are tons of nuggets for any entrepreneur. Chandra Brooks you are a Rock Star! Everyone you can check her out on her website.

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More features and experiences are in :
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Last Update 15 August 18

Created 15 August 18

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Tags activism, activism template, campaign, campaign template, green, html5, non profit, non-profit, responsive, Save rights, social, social activism, social template, template


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made with ezvid, free download at clients non profit activism

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Morgan Keenan lives in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. He is the founding director of the Missouri GSA Network, an ever-growing non-profit empowering youth leaders to push back homophobia and transphobia in Missouri schools.

Ways to give support and get involved with the Missouri GSA Network:

Lila Perry CNN news segment:

1:12 - Learn about the Missouri GSA Network
8:14 - Activism & Advocacy
10:30 - Difficulties in Starting a Non-Profit
14:45 - Advice on Starting a Non-Profit
17:00 - Future Plans
19:35 - Connecting & Supporting the Missouri GSA Network

Follow me to watch more of the BecomingU series:

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3G Video Portal

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Many Non-Profit organizations around the globe aim to influence social change and improve communities. A method these activists can use to help educate others about their message, mobilize their communities and cause social change is digital activism.

Digital Activism uses digital communication tools to achieve goals of social change. Successful social change campaigns often incorporate creativity and interactivity with a meaningful message for the community.

Let's explore successful strategies for digital activists:
1. Have goals and assess outcomes. Organizations must develop a strategy to achieve their goals, conduct research and assess the outcomes of the campaign efforts to succeed in their digital activism campaign.

2. Provide incentives to bring supporters in & give them a reason to stay. Consider the user's experience and play with digital tools & social media to make communication personal and meaningful.

3. Reinforce traditional means of activism.

4. Mobilize & inspire your followers. Communicating the organization's message and inspiring your followers to mobilize behind that message is by far the most important element of a digital activism campaign.

Clearly, digital activists face many challenges including, but not limited to: Internet user passivity, authenticity, online security, and information overload. These are all very real hurdles activists face, but they are not impossible to overcome.

Understand that your successful digital activism campaign will be comprised of personal sacrifice, great discomfort & wonderful learning opportunities. You will also need brilliant creative thinking to light the fire of social change.

Gladwell, Malcolm. "Twitter, Facebook, and social activism : The New Yorker",, October 4, 2010.

Lopez, Suzanne. Personal Communication, November 13, 2011.

Schneider, Lee. "Occupy Wall Street and Digital Activism 3.0.", November 13, 2011.

Shirky, Clay. "YouTube - ‪PdF 2010 | Clay Shirky: Rethinking Representation‬‬‬‬‬‏.", June 11, 2010.

Stein, Laura. "Environmental website production: a structuration approach." Media, Culture & Society 33, no. 3 (April 1, 2011): 363 -384.

York, Jillian. "The False Poles of Digital and Traditional Activism.", November 13, 2011.

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